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This beautiful cocktail contains a unique and colourful ingredient: butterfly...
Sweet, tart, and absolutely delicious. This cocktail is a mix of flavours between those fuzzy peach candies and meringue pie. Lemon and peach with tangy vanilla yogurt will have you asking...
The flavours of mint and chocolate are a classic combination. After 8 Mint Thins, Girl Scout Cookies, mint and chocolate chip ice cream… All great options. We wanted to take...
If you’re looking for a flavour packed fruit focussed cocktail to cheer you up, this is the recipe for you! Top Shelf Gin makes the perfect base for this modern...
This beautifully textured cocktail resembles a sunset and tastes like heaven. Not only is it visually appealing, it tastes deliciously sexy. We’ve heard of Sex On The Beach, but Sex...
Crab apples were very common growing up in Ontario. You could find them squashed by cars on the side of the street, on the ground in your neighbor's yard, and...
Peach cobbler is an excellent dessert any time of year. The flavours of peach with a little spice really brings back childhood memories of eating pie… or is it cake......
A fine whisky such as Perth Whisky deserves to be paired with the finest of flavours. Our 3 year aged blended canadian whisky is robust and packed with flavour. A...
Andrew in BC prides himself on making a...
For the pure of heart and the almost...
Elegant and mysterious, the girl next door has...
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