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Meet The Makers: Two Brothers Toffee Interview

Meet The Makers: Two Brothers Toffee Interview

This month, we are happy to introduce you to a company that we are sweet on, Two Brothers Toffee! Two Brothers Toffee is big on heart and operates on a deeper level than the products they sell. They know that even the ‘small’ acts make a big impact, and we are so thrilled to work with an ethically minded company that does not lose sight of the big picture. 

Without further ado, here is a little bit of our chat with Two Brothers!



1. What made you decide to start Two Brothers Toffee?

We were very first inspired to chase our dream of owning our own business. After perfecting the recipe for over 15 years, we knew we had something very special and very unique. We knew we had something to offer and we wanted to share it with the world!

We entered into an industry where we had zero experience, but we believed in ourselves and we believed in our product. Taking a leap isn’t easy; but we want to inspire you to “bet on yourself” and chase your dreams! No matter how crazy they may seem (and trust us, people thought we were crazy!), there’s nothing you can’t learn and nothing you can’t do!  

2. The strong sense of connection at the core of Two Brothers clearly influences how your business interacts with the community. What advice would you give to Canadian businesses that are looking to make the world a better place?

Our entire business was created during a time that our community was giving us so much; in the middle of chemotherapy treatment for Breast Cancer, Two Brothers Toffee was born; and for this reason, our purpose is to be so much more than just toffee. 

We purposefully seek out working with local/Canadian partners in sourcing our products, rather than going overseas. When you support local, you are supporting someone's craft and their incredible hard work. You're supporting jobs multiple layers down the chain, and most importantly, you're supporting people's dreams!

Additionally, we created The Amore Org. as an impact-focused philanthropic non-profit organization, which a percentage of all Two Brothers Toffee goes to. Since we started TB Toffee last August, we have supported BC Cancer Foundation, Vancouver COVID Relief, Vancouver Police Department, local fire departments & families that lost their homes in the fires of the areas they serve, all in the form of financial donations or toffee donations. Two Brothers Toffee is our vessel, allowing us to positively impact humanity by providing opportunities and giving back to those in need!

3. On your website, you mention your support for ethical farmers. What are your criteria for these sorts of partnerships?

We are proud to support ethical farmers from all over the world. We consciously choose to use chocolate that is part of the Cocoa Horizons program. There are a lot of challenges faced by African cocoa-growing farmers, which can prevent families from having decent livelihoods. By working with our chocolate providers, we are ensuring our farmers are properly taken care of financially, and also receive access to education & healthcare and encourage the next generation of farmers to see great opportunities. 

4. What have you found to be the biggest challenge for Two Brothers during the pandemic?

We are very proud to be locally made, and with that, we are eager to meet our customers and have people from all around the city try our products! The most challenging obstacle COVID has presented is the lack of availability to have face-to-face, human interaction with our community. We look forward to spreading our toffee all around the city and mingling with our community once restrictions are lifted!

5. Some people like to see the ‘silver-lining’ in everything, but you folks see the ‘chocolate lining’! What has been your ‘chocolate lining’ of the past year?

Our entire year has been our chocolate lining! Our Canadian support has been overwhelming, and has accelerated our growth faster than we ever imagined!  In our first year of operation, we have moved to our very own commercial kitchen, and we’ve been able to provide full-time work to two people. These are huge milestones for us, of which we are extremely proud and grateful!


6. In your opinion, which of your toffees would pair best with a whisky neat?

Our Classic toffee flavours, Milk Toffee & Dark Toffee pair best with whisky neat. Our Milk toffee will bring a sweetness to the drink, while our Dark Toffee will bring forward floral and fruity notes. Either combination is a perfect after-dinner treat!

7. And finally, if you could turn a cocktail into one of your toffee flavours, which cocktail would you choose?

Old Fashioned! The perfect combination of sweet, smooth and rich, with a twist of orange.  YUM! 

Thank you Two Brothers Toffee for your insight! Your belief in what you do, and your moxie are absolutely inspiring! We can't wait to see what sweetness is in store for you.